Sourcecode for Hannspree SN97T41W – 9th Edition (UPDATED!)

Till now I’ve got no new information from Hannspree, which is kind of frustrating. I’ve now also written directly to Infotmic but I don’t think they’ll answer.

I already started own repositories, based on the source code for the i-onik TP7-1000DC – a very similar device. You can find them in my Github profile, but till now they’re not more than skeletons based on the other device. If you want to help, just fork them and make a pull request afterwards.

I’ll keep you (Hi Nick, lol :D) updated.


Update 11.10.2013 10:30

I just got informed that the source code release is scheduled for 24. October – seems they get serious

Public announcement for SN97T41W sources

Public announcement for SN97T41W sources

9th response from Hannspree UK regarding sn97t41w sources

9th response from Hannspree UK regarding sn97t41w sources

Gelesen: 6167 · Heute: 3 · Zuletzt: 19. January 2025

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3 Antworten

  1. Nick sagt:

    Na endlich Jetz wärs halt auch noch cool, wenn ich Ahnung von der Materie hätte und mitwirken könnte

  1. 18. Oktober 2013

    […] don’t get them, we can build some based on the other mentioned tablet, from which I’ve created the git’s. Would just be hell less work if we get […]

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