TeamSpeak2 Plugin 0.1.5 for LCDMisc 0.4.x

Today i finished the work on the new version of the TeamSpeak2 Plugin for the Logitech G15 Applet „LCD Miscellany“. Sorry that the first release with 0.4.x Samplescript took so long but my coding-system is currently totally unusable so… however Here it is with amazing new features, better code and even more documentation that no ones read.

Changes since last release:

  • Removed DirectX & ODBC depencies/lib refs (should reduce the memory footprint a bit, at least in theory)
  • Updated / modded sample script for lcdmisc 0.4.1 (note that starting with this release the sample script will only support lcd misc 0.4.1 and upwards!)
  • Added ToggleInputMute()  (ie. for muting your mic on lcd key press)
  • Added GetAllUsers()  (can be used for Join/Left message display – see the sample)
  • Added GetChannelUsers() (can be used for „users in channel“ display – not implemented in the sample script)

New Features in the Samplescript:

  • Speedfan Temp Display
  • TeamSpeak2 now with Join/Left Messages, Mic Mute Toogle on LCD Key 4
  • maybe more, don’t remember what was in the last release version. you will see…

For informations on how to install the plugin and/or how to use the sample script see the archive comment or install.txt (both are the same) and the html documentation in the so named folder.
Download TeamSpeak2_Plugin_015_for_LCDMisc_04x_32bit.rar

New Download TeamSpeak2_Plugin_015_for_LCDMisc_04x_32bit.rar

If you need help you can contact me over IM or PM @

Update: The plugin has all features i need for my personal use and since i never got any feedback on it i consider it finished. If someone want to continue it please contact me over the comments or however you like to obtain the sources.

Gelesen: 10316 · Heute: 2 · Zuletzt: 10. November 2024

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2 Antworten

  1. Anth sagt:

    64 bit version please!

    • McDope sagt:

      Sorry but i stopped development of the plugin since i dont use my G15 anymore. But if you want i can give you the source code so you can compile it on your own. Let me know if you wanna have it…

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