9GAG: Auto redirect of mobile links to full view
The problem with 9GAG mobile links
Your friends are sending you 9GAG links from mobile? You view them on your desktop? Annoyed by that ridiculous 100%-zoom on images?
I’ve got a solution for you, Greasemonkey to the rescue! Oh, and by the way, hello Marvin!
The solution: redirect all 9GAG mobile links
This userscript (
9GAG Mobile to Full/Normal Redirection (907 Downloads)
) redirects 9GAG mobile links, but only the ones that lead to gags, to the full-/desktop-version:
// ==UserScript==
// @name 9GAG Mobile to Full/Normal Redirection
// @namespace mcdope
// @description Redirects 9GAG mobile pages to the full version, to avoid that absurd 100% zoom
// @include http://m.9gag.com/gag/*
// @version 1.1
// @grant none
// @icon http://assets-9gag-lol.9cache.com/static/main/core/20140127_1390790332/img/favicon_v2.png
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
window.location.href = window.location.href.replace("m.9gag.com", "9gag.com");
How it works
You see already, it’s very simple. All it does is replacing „m.9gag.com“ with „9gag.com“ in the current page url. But it does its job. Note that this userscript requires at least version 0.9.8 of Greasemonkey, because the usage of @run-at. This allows to redirect even before the page has finished loading. Not that it would matter in terms of noticeable speed with today connections, but why not if it’s possible
nett. habe allerdings keine freunde, und auch sonst niemanden, der mir was schickt. tjo.