SN97T41W kernel & Uboot published! (updated again)

Today Hannspree put the Uboot and kernel sources online for the SN97T41W. You can find them on

But till now no device files, I’ve just asked for them. But if we don’t get them, we can build some based on the other mentioned tablet, from which I’ve created the git’s. Would just be hell less work if we get them

Update: The released kernel source is incomplete, whole directories are missing. I’ve already contacted Hannspree UK on this issue. Nonetheless I’ve already created a git for it.

Message to support:

Hi there,


Thanks for today release! I need to bother you again, didn’t wanted to spam the wall post


There are files missing from the kernel release. The whole arch tree (arch/arm/mach-imapx800) is missing, and other stuff too – like some drivers.


I’ve checked out kernel version 3.0.8 (since the SN97T41W stock rom runs with 3.0.8, and there isn’t a release note telling different) from AOSP and copied the provided files. But when applying the „linux.patch“ patch file, it fails. See this for details:


Can you please get back to the product manager and obtain a complete kernel release?


BTW: The device specific files from „device/infotm“ would be nice too. I’m aware those are Apache licensed, so you aren’t required to do so like with the kernel, but since other tablets from that OEM also got a „full source“ release I thought it would be worth the question


Greets, Tobias

Update 2, response on my message:

PM reply regarding the incomplete release

PM reply regarding the incomplete release

Gelesen: 6741 · Heute: 3 · Zuletzt: 21. February 2025

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5 Antworten

  1. mar sagt:

    Yeah – it’s something.

  2. Nick sagt:


    sorry, dass ich noch auf die email geantwortet hab, aber ich schau fast nie ins Postfach mein Pfad spinnt zur Zeit rum :((( rebootet ohne grund und die „leiser“ taste klemmt + funzt nicht mehr!

    Gruß Nick

  3. mcdope sagt:

    np, hatte ich einkalkuliert – mittlerweile brauche ich die Infos aber auch nicht mehr

    Aber was meinst du mit Pfad? Das Tablet?

  4. Nick sagt:

    ich meinte „Pad“, nicht „Pfad“

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