Counter-Strike 1.6 Config

Mein Counter-Strike hat in letzter Zeit total rumgespackt mit himmelhohen Choke etc. also hab ich mir heute mal die Zeit genommen und eine (für mich) ideale Config gebastelt. Da diese aber auch bei 2 Freunden von mir wunderbar funktioniert stelle ich sie mal online.

Nachfolgenden Text einfach kopieren und im cstrike (oder cstrike_german, je nach Spracheinstellung von STEAM) Ordner als userconfig.cfg speichern und am besten gleich schreibschützen über die Datei-Eigenschaften. Natürlich sollten der Name angepasst werden und eventuell auch die Netsettings (Ich habe Alice Deluxe [16000] und damit funktioniert es super).

Also hier die Config (Wer keinen Bock zu kopieren hat kann sie auch downloaden):

echo " :: Executing McDope's Ultra Super Duper Config..."
// --- Misc. Settings ---
cl_download_ingame "1"
name "McDope"
developer "1"
setinfo "friends" "1"
setinfo "_vgui_menus" "0"
setinfo "dm" "0"
setinfo "_ah" "0"
console "1" //Console ON/OFF
con_color "500 500 500" //Console Textcolor
scr_conspeed "9999" //Console opening delay (More == less delay)
brightness "8" //Display Brightness
gamma "3" //Display Gamma (Brightness correction)
lightgamma "2.5" //Light Gamma
texgamma "2.0" //Texture Gamma
crosshair "1" //Crosshair ON/OFF
cl_dynamiccrosshair "0" //Resize Crosshair dynamicly
max_smokepuffs "20" //Max Smoke Puffs/Clouds
max_shells "0" //Gun-Shells on the floor
mp_decals "300" //Max Decals
hpk_maxsize "0.1" //Logfile Size (100kb)
cl_showevents "0" //Display Weapon Events in top right corner
cl_minmodels "1" //Only 2 Models
cl_righthand "1" //Weapon Hand right
r_drawviewmodel "1" //Weapon Model ON/OFF
cl_lb "0" //Hit Animations (ON causes Errors)
cl_nosmooth "0" //Calc Enemy Movements Gaps
cl_predict_players "1" //Predict Playermovements
viewsize "120" //Displaysize
topcolor "30" //Color of model top (???)
spec_autodirector_internal "1" //Autochasecam Mode
spec_mode_internal "1" //Default Spec Mode
spec_drawnames_internal "1" //Toggles PiP/Overview Mode
cl_showfps "0"
net_graph "3"
net_graphpos "2"
net_graphwidth "75"
net_scale "3"
echo " :: - Misc Settings set..."
// --- Graphics/Performance Setting ---
gl_lightholes "0" //Lightholes ON/OFF
gl_round_down "3" //Texture Rounding (3 == best)
gl_smoothmodels "0" //Model Smoothing
gl_texsort "0" //Multi-Texturing ON/OFF
gl_dither "1" //Dithering ON/OFF
gl_flipmatrix "0" //Only 1 if 3Dfx AND AMD-K6 Series
gl_ztrick "1" //Clear Z-Buffer
gl_overbright "1" //More Brightness then usual
gl_wateramp "0" //Waves in Water
gl_cull "1" //Render only visible Objects
gl_clear "0" //Small Texture Gaps if 0 but faster
gl_keeptjunctions "0" //Small Texture Gaps if 0 but faster
gl_max_size "512" //Max Texture Size
gl_monolights "0" //Shadows on Walls
gl_polyoffset "4" //Space between Polygons (0.1 for nVidia, 4 for ATI)
gl_picmip "0" //Environment Render Quality
gl_playermip "4" //Model-Texture Quality (4 = worstest, almost invisible difference)
ati_npatch "0" //ATI TrueForm ON/OFF
ati_subdiv "0" //ATI TrueForm Level
r_mirroralpha "0" //Mirroring-Effects ON/OFF
r_traceglow "0" //Live Lightsources ON/OFF
r_dynamic "0" //Dynamic Lights ON/OFF
r_detailtextures "0" //Detailed Textures (???)
r_decals "300" //Sprays etc.
r_shadows "0" //Shadows ON/OFF
r_norefresh "0" //Screen No-Refresh ON/OFF
r_mmx "1" //MMX Instructions ON/OFF
cl_shadows "0" //Shadows ON/OFF
cl_weather "0" //Rain ON/OFF
cl_himodels "0" //HQ Model ON/OFF
fastsprites "0" //Smoke Quality (0 = best, 2 = worse)
max_fps "90" //Limit Engine to x fps (Should never exceed your real fps!)
cl_corpsestay "200" //How long will corpses stay
echo " :: - Performance Settings set..."
// --- Gore Settings
violence_ablood "10"
violence_hblood "10"
violence_agibs "10"
violence_hgibs "10"
echo " :: - Gore Settings set..."
// --- HUD Settings ---
hud_capturemouse "1"
hud_centerid "1"
hud_draw "1"
hud_fastswitch "1"
hud_saytext_internal "1"
hud_takesshots "1"
hud_drawnames "1"
hud_deathnotice_time "5"
echo " :: - HUD Settings set..."
// --- Sound Settings ---
volume "0.3" //Overall Volume
bgmvolume "0" //Music Volume
ambient_level "0.3" //Enviroment Volume
suitvolume "0.6" //Own Steps Volume
voice_scale "0.85" //VoiceCom Volume (Relativ to Overall Volume)
s_2dvolume "1" //2D Volume Factor
hisound "1" //HQ Sound ON/OFF
loadas8bit "0" //Load Sounds as 8bit ON/OFF
s_doppler "0.0" //Sound Doppler
s_a3d "0" //A3D ON/OFF
s_eax "0" //EAX ON/OFF
voice_enable "1" //VoiceCom ON/OFF
sv_voiceenable "1" //VoiceCom ON/OFF, too
voice_forcemicrecord "1" //VoiceCom force Microfon as source
voice_modenable "1" //VoiceCom in Mods
ambient_fade "100" //Distance for unhearable Enviroments Sounds
_snd_mixahead "0.1" //Hearing Distance
room_off "0" //Echo Stuff below
room_feedback "0"
room_left "0.5"
room_lp "0.5"
room_mod "0.5"
room_refl "0.5"
room_rvblp "0.5"
room_size "0.5"
room_type "20"
echo " :: - Sound Settings set..."
// --- Controls ---
cl_forwardspeed "400" //Movementspeed to front
cl_backspeed "400" //Movementspeed to back
cl_upspeed "320" //Movementspeed to top (lol?)
_cl_autowepswitch "0" //Autoselect new (and better) weapon
joystick "0" //Toggle Joy-Sticks and Pads
m_filter "0" //Toggles Mousefilter
m_pitch "0.040" //Vertical Mouse Speed
m_yaw "0.040" //Horizontal Mouse Speed
sv_aim "0" //Aim Helper (hrhr ^^)
zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1.2" //Mouse Sensitivity in Zoom
_windowed_mouse "0" //Mouselook in Window Mode
+mlook //Toggle Mouselook
echo " :: - Control Settings set..."
// --- Net Settings ---
rate "19000"
cl_interp "0.001"
cl_allowdownload "1" //Download ON/OFF
cl_allowupload "1" //Upload ON/OFF
cl_resend "2" //Time until packet resend
cl_cmdrate "99" //Packets send to server
cl_updaterate "99" //Packets recieved from server
cl_cmdbackup "5" //Duplicate packets send to server to compensate packet loss
cl_dlmax "0" //Max DL Speed
cl_timeout "9999" //Ping Timeout
setinfo "ghosts" "0" //Ghosts ON/OFF (0 == much more performance)
cl_lc "1" //Lag-Compensation
cl_lw "1" //Recoil Calc on Client (1) or Server (0)
echo " :: - Network Settings set..."
// --- ??? All of this vars are already set but i can't find infos about them ---
c_maxpitch "90" //Unknown
c_maxyaw "135" //Unknown
c_mindistance "30" //Unknown
c_minpitch "0" //Unknown
c_minyaw "-135" //Unknown
s_show "0" //Unknown
bottomcolor "6" //Unknown
cl_giblife "0" //Unknown
cl_vsmoothing "0.05" //Unknown
cl_gibcount "4" //Unknown
cl_giblife "8" //Unknown
cl_gibvelscale "1" //Unknown
r_bmodelhighfrac "5" //Unknown
cl_idealpitchscale "0.8" //Unknown
s_snd_mixahead "0.1" //Unknown
spec_drawstatus_internal "1" //Unknown
spec_drawcone_internal "1" //Unknown
spec_pip "0" //Unknown
lookspring "0" //Unknown
lookstrafe "0" //Unknown
echo " :: McDope's Ultra Super Duper Config READY TO PLAY!..."

Gelesen: 6230 · Heute: 2 · Zuletzt: 22. February 2025

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